Sunday, December 12, 2010

Out of this World

Love lustrous silver and gold? I sure do, in fact, I believe I do not have enough of it, which is why I was suprised to read that Scientists are suggesting that our world has more metals than it was originally destined to. Recent speculations are leading scientists to believe that the collision with a large mass just after the big bang melted earth materials and lead to the formation of our valued metals : gold, silver, titanium and palladium. Well I sure am grateful!

Fancy that

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Romanticism - not the music period

I've never been a big believer of love. Not family love, i'm talking about LOVE love. Heart fluttering, body numbing, sweeps me off my feet Love. What sticks me about 'love' is that people 'in love' still do the shit that people not in love do - shit you're not supposed to. MAYBE because people don't know the difference between "i really really really like you" and "I love you". I don't blame em either, it's not like you can accurately define 'love' - it's a subjective emotion. Perhaps the ambiguity of the word is the reason people say it too early, get married and divorce; divorce rates are up to 40% for Australia by the way. Look it up. MAYBE it attributes to the fact that people use the word 'love' so frequently that it's lost it's significance. It's lost it's suave, it's umph, and in plain sight, it's just not as romantic as it used to be when it graced the lips of Gene Kelly.

Anyway, despite this, I've been loving (forgive the repetition), particularly recently, romantic movies.  While many movies can't quite articulate good romantic scenes, the gestures sure do provide the kick.

For example-
John Cusack standing outside Diane's window in the middle of the night, with a boombox that's playing Their song in Say Anything
Paul (Fred) Varjak loving Holly for all that she is, quirky flaws and all in Breakfast At Tiffany's
Or, Noah reading Their history to Allie every day to bring her back in The Notebook

Dirty Dancing
Gone with the Wind
Pretty Woman
When Harry Met Sally
Sleepless in Seattle
City of Angels
10 Things I Hate About You
You've Got Mail
Something's Gotta Give
Bridgette Jone's Diary
When A Man Loves A Woman
Can't Buy Me Love
While You Were Sleeping
A Walk to Remember....

Despite my skepticism of True Love, I think I still watch them in hope that Hollywood Love still exists. I guess it'd be nice to see it transcend the everyday love for a family, friends and a comfy bed.

Ta taa

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Not until I read December's Russh, did I find out that the sisters, Sienna n Savannah released their own clothing line :O. OKAY! So it actually came out around April this year..... yes, well. Ahem, anyway! It's actually really cool, not because it's by the sisters themselves, but the details are gorgeous. Check out the AW10 Collection at My opinion? The1st and 3rd last look, mwah faves, although I really do fancy all of 'em

BTW, as was noted in several SS11 collections, block sandals from the 90s are back in!

Richard Nicoll

In addition to what's featured on my blog, it's also a given for this season to hunt for off shoulder dresses or diamond bear backed tops, as well as fresh ways to incorporate leopard skin...And by fresh, I mean, non tacky. Leather is delish, and bold colours work. Transparent layers are a must, and lace is chic....or trashy, depending on how you wear it!

This season's all about FREEDOM of expression. For me, a rule of thumb is...
" Most things look good, given that fitted "

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Touch of Rain


It's raining (ugh..), heavily and constantly, and the sun's been gone for at least a week! It's very depressing. Aaand, being a girl that....

Has no car (or license for that matter)
Has a cheap $5 umbrella that's willing to turn on her at any given chance
Has a bad habit of getting hooked to online tv and snacks

I'm doomed. Give it another week and i'll be an unhealthy, unfit, vit D deficient girl with nothing but a crappy umbrella and a bowl of indo mee goreng. Lovely.

Come back Mr. Sun!!